Wednesday, December 28, 2011

MotoGP Superbike engine for CRT Gresini

The new CRT 's Gresini Team that will race next season with Michele Pirro motirizzata could be the engine of the Honda CBR1000RR prepared by the Dutch team Ten Kate Racing in the 2012 World Superbike Championship with the new signing Jonathan Rea and Hiroshi Aoyama. And the transition from Aoyama Gresini Team Ronald Ten Kate had opened up the two team managers.

Fausto Gresini has already confirmed that he will race with a motorcycle engine powered Honda CBR1000RR mounted on a frame FTR entrusted to the Honda RC213V joined Pyrrhus and instead entrusted to Alvaro Bautista. While the FTR will develop the chassis, Honda will not provide any support for the 1000cc engine, hence the choice of the team manager will rely on the expertise of the Dutch team engine derived from the series.

According to reports from the Dutch site , Gresini has already signed a contract with Ten Kate Racing Products for the supply of the motor and electronics for the CRT. Now it remains to see if the engine supplied and prepared by Ten Kate is the same that will be used in Superbike or "pumped" to make it like a prototype. The new bike should still be ready in early 2012 . In any case, friends and fans of the Superbike inevitale will ultimately be the "fusion" between the two categories ...


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