Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Donington Park Race Director Robert Fearnall passes away

Donington Park Racing Ltd announced on Friday the sad news of the death of Robert Fearnall, Race Director at Donington Park.

Dorna Sports is saddened to learn that Robert Fearnall, for many years the enthusiastic director of racing at Donington Park, sadly died at the age of 57 last Friday.

Fearnall first joined the staff of the Donington circuit in 1979, just two years after it reopened for racing under the leadership of the late Tom Wheatcroft. Fearnall devoted most of his working life to Donington Park and was widely respected throughout the car and motorcycle racing world.

An integral part of Donington Park, Fearnall held a lifelong passion for motorsport led him to carve a unique niche within it, first as a young journalist and historian and later as a management professional.

Fearnall remained a modest man, despite his great achievements in promotion and management, and in playing an instrumental part in ensuring that Donington always had a varied and eclectic calendar of international and national motorsport on both two and four wheels.

source: MotoGP

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