Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sachsenring drops out of MotoGP for 2012

There will be no MotoGP round at the Sachsenring circuit in 2012.

In a press conference - being held at the circuit now - ADAC, the organisers of the German MotoGP round, told assembled journalists that the losses from this year's race amounted to 600,000 Euros.

ADAC tried to counter these losses by increasing the ticket price by 10% and restructuring to save 1.25 million Euros. To add insult to injury, Dorna have increased the fee to host the round at the Sachsenring from 2 million Euros to around 4 million and ADAC have calculated this will leave them with a 2.1 million Euro loss.

The GP has been at the Sachsenring since 1998 and this year over 230,000 spectators visited over the MotoGP weekend. Dorna have yet to announce which circuit will take the round vacated by the Sachsenring organisers although it is thought to be between the Nurburgring and Lausitzring.

source: visordown

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