Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Agostini: "Stoner? It 's like Hailwood"

On the occasion of the 200 Miles of Imola Revival, held last weekend, Giacomo Agostini has returned to tread the tarmac of the circuit "Enzo e Dino Ferrari" riding a Yamaha OW29 750 with which he won the historic endurance race in 1974 .

Yamaha has also brought his latest creation, the M1 Jorge Lorenzo, who has led Agostini final during the parade along with two other champions and arch-rivals: Phil Read and Steve Baker.

" Back at Imola is always a great thrill - he said - is a circuit where you had to pull out the attributes to win here and I have wonderful memories of international competition in front of a hundred thousand people. Then it is a good opportunity to revisit some old favorites, like Bonera, Read, Baker, Sarron Korhonen and Lansivuori ".

With so many former rivals on the track, the spirit of competition could take over. " Inside there is always the desire to do, but at my age would be to 'overdo' - joked Agostini - The truth is that you become better or more beautiful over the years. Last year, in Holland, I 'ingarellato' but then I slipped on a patch of oil and I broke two ribs, so it's good to be here to celebrate with friends . "

Undisputed champion of a romantic motorcycle extinct, Agostini, however, follows closely the modern colleagues. As for success - 227 wins in two - the comparison with Valentino Rossi arises spontaneously. " A little, I see myself in that Valentino won Hammer - he said - but we also have different characteristics. He gave a great show: he had the strength to stay with the 'opponent even when he could go away , so knew how to enjoy more than others . Maybe I took more margin, without the risk. "

Current championship that sees instead a crisis on the Ducati Rossi, Agostini no dramas. " In this sport, success always depends on the combination of motorcycle-rider and unfortunately only one can finish first - he observed - One example is the Honda, which despite its resources had not won a World Cup for 5 years. It is difficult on a bike but won in the past . Maybe it will get better with the 1000. "

To "Needle", the reason for this difficulty is a simple idiosyncrasy between Rossi and the Red . " He is a sensitive rider, who needs to find a good feeling with the bike to win - analyzed - but Stoner is a rider Aggressive and raw, no half measures : at Ducati, he was strong or falling. But I do not think that Valentino has ceased to be good in motion . Ducati following his directions, but the project is done by engineers. The pilot can only help with the development. Simply put, he needs to hear the perfect bike, Stoner did not. They remind me a little me and Mike Hailwood. He was less sensitive to understand that the bike was placed. When I felt her, I looked like a piece of iron, but he was able to go the same strong " .

The observations of fifteen times world champion did not affect only the blond Tavullia. "I admire the aggressiveness and determination of Lorenzo and Dovizioso's persistence - he said - Andrea falls short and is good in the development, the need is something to achieve victory. Maybe before the end of the season he can take a paw ".

source: gp one

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