It is not only "poison" Andrea Dovizioso in respect of Valentino Rossi . In his weekly interview on Max and relaunched the website of the rider from Forlì Honda launches a criticism directed against the very heavy and nine-time world champion, against his way of being sporty and manage the relationship with oneself and others.
Dovizioso: "Never in a team with Valentino Rossi ... There is no room for anybody to his side, is one who takes and takes you all ... When it's ready to share the limelight will be the end of his sport." Words of Fire, than to cast a shadow on the sporting value of the rider from Pesaro to insinuate a setting real "boss" scorched earth that does everything and anything to achieve results. In short, that figure is affected disenchanted, good-natured, a little 'friend of all of Gascony, a lover of the show and respectful of the opponents, the media, especially some TV, have passed in recent years.
It 'a hard blow to the icon of the MotoGP, the pilot and the man who scored the epic. After Biaggi, Melandri later, after foreign drivers, and other items after the "child" in the paddock and out, criticizing a certain bad habit in the "circus", if not kept on a leash by Rossi and his entourage, at least "conditioned" is now the turn of mattonata Dovizioso.
Dovi brings up, in addition to Smith, many a fellow. "... there are motorcycle riders on the podium and from the billboard. Successes media almost never match those sports! Simoncelli, Spies, Bautista is trendy but hardly know the taste of victory. "
With reference to friends in MotoGP, but Dovizioso said: "Could not have in this environment ... it is a solitary sport. If you do not call anyone go wrong, if you are doing well you party after the arrival and the end of it. The only friends I have are the 5 or 6 guys who always support me and follow me ... because, let's face it, my fans for their patience and we want to have a lot ... When I win the championship, and I'm sure that will happen soon, it will be with add the date to them that my tattoo''Tem Botta Team '. "
They are all simply disrespectful of those who have grown the image and pushed revenue MotoGP filling all the portfolios and are tuti "envious" of the success of Rossi or feel at last "free" do not have more outspoken in the face weakened without the lion and crown?
source: motoblog