Saturday, October 8, 2011

Héctor Barberá, successfully operated the right clavicle

Mapfre Aspar rider shall remain entered in the USP Dexeus Hospital in Barcelona between 24 and 48 hours, and begin recovery within five days, has indicated his team in a statement.

At four in the afternoon, the Mapfre Aspar rider Hector Barbera has been transferred to the operating room USP Dexeus Clinic, where he has successfully undergone surgery of the right clavicle, by Dr. Xavier Mir, Head of Unit Surgery of the Hand of USP Dexeus. The operation required general anesthesia, and for the same have been necessary, about two hours.

The pilot had a four-part comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the right clavicle. You have had a fixation with compression screws, and a plaque neutralization anatomical.

Hector Barbera will remain at the USP Instituto Universitario Dexeus between 24 and 48 hours, beginning light exercise recovery within five days. At present, the Valencian rider is in the process of recovery from anesthesia, when I wake will be transferred to the room where the morning Dr. Xavier Mir will for monitoring the operation, after the first night.

Although the team release does not say anything about it, is practically ruled out its participation in the Grand Prix of Australia and is doubtful for Malaysia, which are played within a week and fifteen days, respectively.

source: motocuatro

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