Thursday, October 6, 2011

No MotoGP freight issues for Phillip Island race

MotoGP teams have been assured that their equipment and machinery will arrive at Phillip Island with no problems after being transported from Japan.

Rumours circulating the paddock recently suggested Australian authorities would place restrictions on freight sent from Japan because of fears of radiation contamination after last weekend’s Twin Ring Motegi race.

But a communication distributed to teams by the International Race Teams Association, obtained by MCN, said there would be no issue following last weekend’s race as the freight heads to Melbourne for the Phillip Island race on October 16.

The IRTA message read: "Apparently, some people are saying that there will be a problem importing the team freight in to Australia because of restrictions being imposed by the Australian authorities. We can assure you that there is absolutely no truth in the rumour."

A letter from Dorna’s Operations staff also read: "Please be informed that will not be any problem for the freight coming from Japan. As per Australian authorities, there are no restrictions, or special regulations. The Japanese carriers as well are confirming the schedules in the following days without any restriction for our flights."

source: MCN

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