Thursday, November 10, 2011

Barberá rounds off positive first Test with Pramac

Hector Barbera MotoGP Pramac Test

The Pramac Racing team and Héctor Barberá, who on Monday announced their partnership for the 2012 season, completed their first Test together at Valencia on Wednesday having taken full advantage of the two days.

Héctor Barberá:
“These two days have been full of work and we weren’t looking for the fastest lap time, more for the innovations that Ducati has brought to the bike. My sincerest compliments to them because they have done a great job. The bike is very powerful although there are still a few things to work on. We encountered a few problems but the bike is very competitive. The engine is fun, very different from the 800cc we were using this season, and I think this could be something which will favour my riding style. It’s a pity we couldn’t get out for the last two hours today due to an engine problem I felt out on track. The engineers are analysing what happened. We also had the opportunity to compare the new tyres which have some positive aspects, and I think there’s still a little bit of work to do. The shoulder I injured at the end of the season is still causing me a little bit of pain, but it doesn’t affect my results on the track. I think this break will help me to recover fully and be at 100% for next season!”

source: motogp official

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