Sunday, November 13, 2011

Interview with Matteo Flamigni, telemetry of Valentino Rossi

After interviewing Alex Briggs , Gary Coleman and Brent Stephens mechanics of the Valentino Rossi , we were able to interview Matteo Flamigni , Valentino's telemetry.

It is said that the telemetry is a key role in MotoGP. How do you become? 
I was majoring in electrical engineering in 1994/95 and my neighbor had a friend who was racing motorcycles at that time was taking part in World Superbike, and asked me if I could help in the management of a trivial and simple data acquisition system, one of the first that came on the market, and so I almost began to play with him, and then from there it has evolved and now I find myself to be here with a top rider.

What year was it? 
with this guy named Gianmaria Liverani, in late 1994.

It 'easy to work with a pilot "sensitive" such as Vale cyclists talking about? 
Yes, in the sense that, however, the amount of data is huge and have a driver who tells you very precisely in the curves look like, right now, and then maximize performance, not to waste time looking at the whole mass of data that you have available, it is very important to improve performance and this really helps to speed up the development in the practice session, then it is clear that after the tests c 'is a more detailed analysis of all data, but here, this helps a lot.

It then falls from the bike and immediately tells you what to check ... 
Yes, 'these problems, in this or that corner ..' and we proceed.

What is the climate in the box Ducati at a difficult time like this? 
But yes, I do not hide that you actually feel the outcome is lacking, however, the best thing for me is to see that all continue to work hard and really believe it because we know that we will come out, we need to get out, so that now things do not go as expected, it is still a very strong incentive to ensure that the situation will improve. We need to improve!
From the outside you feel this desire to work to improve the situation ... 

It is there, we are constantly believing and never giving up.

What is your relationship with the web and social networks? The team is definitely more active than Alex Briggs, and you? 
I have a curious approach to all that are new technologies, call them, because they are well-tempered, I'm curious by nature, and therefore I approach my own way , these social networks, facebook, twitter or on the web in general as a container for information that is the reason why I use it more. I'm not an avid user also because having a family with two small children when at home, of course, does not have the time that these social networks like it or not you require. If you want to follow twitter for example you should be connected 24 hours on 24 for seven days a week and then I go there every so often in the dead time, waiting in the queue like the highway. More than anything else is my approach here is curious. I'm not an avid user. It 'true that twitter in the last month has some' infected all of us from the Ducati garage Vale, Uccio, Davide Brivio, a little all.

He also did wake up a little 'people like that before Guido Meda was a little' silent and now has returned ...
It is true, but I tell you my approach is more curious and do not abuse it anyway because I still prefer the relationship more real, human.

source: motoblog

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