Thursday, November 10, 2011

Valentino Rossi: "I like the engine, the bike you ride better than the previous"

Valentino Rossi Ducati Test Valencia

Valentino Rossi ended the two-day test in Valencia. Among the first to climb it after the opening of the track and among the last to stop, he worked tirelessly with his team and Filippo Preziosi to complete the scheduled work with engineers who, in Bologna, will continue to work on the project 2012. Franco Battaini - official test - Nicky Hayden today has replaced the injured scaphoid and wrist of his right hand, who did not want to anticipate the return home and followed all the evidence from the Ducati team.

The American is likely in the coming days he will undergo a minor operation on the wrist to accelerate recovery from injury. With the Valencia test was thus ended the 2011 season. The MotoGP will be back on track at Sepang (Malaysia) from January 31 to February 2, 2012.

"They were two days of testing important because we need to collect lots of data for the work of the next month, which will be crucial. - Valentino Rossi said - the good things about this bike is definitely the engine, I like, and the fact you drive a little 'better than the previous: gives you more pleasure, because you can put it over sideways. The frame is not bad but definitely need to work, we need to improve on the brakes, because I've got to pull harder and in less space, and we need to improve the grip under acceleration. Philip has many ideas and we have a little 'time to put them into practice before the test next year. " Following the statements of the other protagonists.

source: motoblog

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