Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dovi responds to Rossi: you fell for it

You can say a lot of things about Andrea Dovizioso, but you can't say he is a rider that seeks out controversy and looks to cause trouble.  That is why he seems a little upset by the response from Valentino Rossi to some of the comments he made recently about the Ducati's potential competitiveness for 2012.

"Some people like to re-write the statements of others to cause problems - Dovi said on twitter - I'm just surprised that others, with more experience, still take the bait."

By "others," he obviously means Rossi... but who does Andre think "re-wrote" something he said?

Because there really wasn't anything particularly controversial about his statements, and they were very accurately reported.  If a certain Ducati rider took them the wrong way, that's another story.

source: GP One

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