Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Efren Vazquez Laglisse Team Debuts in Almeria

After weeks of negotiations, in which Efren Vazquez has handled various options for their future sporting Biscayan pilot has opted to accept the proposal Laglisse team, led by Jaime Fernandez Aviles.

So Ephraim will face in 2012 its sixth season in MotoGP, riding a Honda motorcycle, the new Moto3 category. The Rekalde has moved to the circuit of Almeria to have an initial contact with his new team and roll for the first time with his new mount.

In explaining the decision, Vasquez argues that "it is to seize the opportunity provided by an experienced team in the CEV and the world of 4T and which ensures a full-time."

Laglisse Team has several national titles in its extensive track record and faces his leap into MotoGP with a right mix of enthusiasm and ambition. "We know very well the office and we are trained to be a competitive team. We have a professional background which is a guarantee when it comes to adapting to the World Cup, "said Jaime Fernandez Aviles.

Asked about what he expects from his new driver, the head of Team Laglisse Vázquez understands that may become protagonists of the coming-of Moto3 category. "Efren and knows what is on the podium in the World and is used to battle it out for top honors. The next course will take a definitive step in his progression and we will bring all the necessary arrangements, "says Fernandez Aviles.

Efren Vazquez for his part is convinced that he bet right in the Madrid team and warned that "although we have not yet closed the budget had to take this step, because to have a chance to stand before next year is to start work now" .

Another campaign, the pinnacle of motorcycle racing will be supported Basque Bilbao City Council and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Support Vazquez soon expects to add the major companies "with whom we have contacts open."

The pilot Bilbao considers that it is too early to discuss specific goals for this new journey. "We opened a new stage, with change of equipment and class, so there are many uncertainties to be resolved. For now all I want is to go meet the people with whom I work and have a first look at the mount that I will drive in 2012."

In any case, Efren know the bike that started the season at the Qatar GP (April 8) will be very different from that tested in Almeria: "at present it is practically a standard bike that we evolve much ".

source: Motocuatro

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