Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hector Barbera is subjected to a test of intolerance

The Spanish rider Hector Barbera (Ducati) has been subjected to a test of intolerance in order to optimize their nutrition and performance in the face of what will be his third season in the premier class.

Although the de Dos Aguas not begin until next season in January, going to change some of your habits in order to reach a high state of fitness at the start of the tournament.

Thus, the Pramac Racing has undergone an intolerance test, which means a noninvasive technique dictates what foods are best processes your body. Now, your fitness and diet routine can be adapted to these parameters, optimizing performance and avoiding stomach problems or lack of energy.

Barbera will work with the coach Rafa Olcina, director of Training for Pilots Valenciano and head of physical and mental section including the recent 125cc World Champion Nico Terol.

Source: Europa Press

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