Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lorenzo Drive a snowmobile in the season opener Vallnord

The MotoGP World Championship runner-up Jorge Lorenzo has admitted that the 2011 has been a "difficult year" because of its competitive problems with the Yamaha and the death of Marco Simoncelli, after launching on Monday officially ski season in the Andorran resort of Vallnord.

"The death of Marco Simoncelli has been the highlight of the season. Domestically, it has been a difficult year because the bike did not have the same competitiveness that last years and the results have not matched. But we have already started work to fight for the championship in 2012, "said Jorge Lorenzo. 

Lorenzo made a stop in their preseason before facing the first test in January 2012 at the Sepang circuit and has flown for the first time, a snowmobile to the trails in the Pal sector Vallnord.

 Vallnord opened its doors on December 3 in part, but this was the first weekend of opening of the three sectors of Vallnord, coinciding with precipitation as snow that are taking place from Friday in the country and dyed white have the Principality.

 Lorenzo has also risen to a "Trikke ski ', the tricycle of snow has fallen and the ski station demonstrating his competitive zeal in the snow with the rest of the team that accompanied him as Ricky Cardús Andorra (Moto2) .

 "I thought it would be easier, but that has not happened and I've had a great time. Also slipping with the 'Trikke ski'. It has been an incredible journey and I thank the Vallnord you for inviting me," said the Spaniard pilot , who will begin after the Christmas period, the first pre-season test before the first race of the year, on 8 April in Doha (Tasting).

 For the CEO of Vallnord, Rafael Martí, Jorge Lorenzo have been "an honor for the season and Andorra". "I have to thank for their availability and has shown sympathy with the other skiers were in Vallnord. And above all that has made a break from his pre-season to enjoy the activities that we offer in the three sectors of Vallnord" said.

Source: Europa Press

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