Friday, December 30, 2011

New injury in training for Nicky Hayden

Tuesday, December 27, while training in an indoor facility for flat track near his home in Owensboro, Kentucky, Nicky Hayden has fractured his left shoulder blade and two ribs . The American pilot was back in the saddle for the first time after the incident at the first corner of the GP of Valencia on 6 November.

Hayden has been performed all the examinations necessary, x-rays, CT scans and an MRI and, at the time, there is no one ' surgery . In any case, next week will be visited by dr. Arthur Ting at the clinic in Fremont, Calif. to verify the conditions of fracture. According to the healing process, the next few weeks will determine whether Hayden will take part in the first session of the 2012 winter testing that will begin next January 31 in Sepang, Malaysia.

" Clearly not like hurting anybody , "said Hayden , " but part of the work we do. It 'was an accident, just as had happened in the last GP of the season in Valencia. I was beginning again to train, as I usually do in the winter, in a circuit near home. I got behind another rider to leave the road, has moved sharply and hit my front tire. I landed hard on his shoulder and that was it. Frustrating, but you just have to recover as soon as possible. In any case, this does not diminish my expectations for 2012, which, fortunately, is just around the corner . "


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