Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nolan celebrates Checa and Melandri and Lorenzo. Stoner always absent (justified?)

The Italian manufacturer of helmets, the trademark owner Xlite, back from an unexpected satisfactions of 2011: World Champion MotoGP with Casey Stoner , World Champion in Superbike with Carlos Checa and runner up in both leagues with Jorge Lorenzo and Marco Melandri .

In the traditional year-end event there were other riders like Franco Battaini, official tester of Ducati and former centaurs still involved in racing as Pictures and Borciani. The President of Nolan Alberto Vergani thanked the heart of everyone in the company this year - in spite of the crisis - has made ​​record sales for the brand premium X-Lite and next year will make his first forty ' years of life.

At the party, all present except Stoner, perhaps the only one not justified for obvious logistical reasons. From Australia it would take at least two days to celebrate in Bergamo and Nolan, perhaps too much for a cake and sparkling wine. And with his pregnant wife was not the greatest of comfort. But it is also true that the package pulled the awards FIM (Bastoner was in Sydney to have fun with the  V8 Supercars , the main national championship) has not gone down to the insiders, and this would be the second.

Maybe if he had organized a little 'better, Stoner (Australia that is never lacking some interview controversy) would have received more support and also to Italians or the Rossi staunchest fans might be less obnoxious.

PS About Australia : from now until January 18th I will be in Australian land for a trip. The blog will be updated regularly but less frequently. There will, in return, post about this continent so distant and fascinating. 


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