Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oliveira Rins and form the CX-Repsol team Moto3, Alex Marquez is out

Pilots and Miguel Oliveira Alex Rins compete next year in the World Championship of Moto3 with a new team created by Monlau Competition, who heads Emilio Alzamora, sponsored by Caixa Catalunya and Repsol. The oil played in 2012 in the three categories and has set the challenge of winning the three championships.

Rinse, 16, is the latest jewel in the Spanish quarry and will debut in the World Cup as reigning in Spain (CEV) on the displacement of 125cc. While the Portuguese Miguel Oliveira, also 16, is one of the most promising riders on the international scene, as it has one year of experience in the eighth of a liter and won the last two races of the CEV with a team Moto3 Monlau Competition .

With the appointment of two members, Alex Marquez, younger brother of 125cc world champion Marc Marquez, should settle for exit in some tests worldwide as 'wild card'. The de Cervera, CEV runner 2011, this competition will combine with the CEV in Moto3 category, where will fight champion.

Thus, Repsol will team on three categories. In MotoGP will have Casey Stoner, world champion and Dani Pedrosa, and in Moto2, with Marc Márquez, runner-up category are medium but not yet closed the computer. Since its debut in the World Cup 40 years ago, Repsol has won 27 championships in various categories (50, 80, 125, 250, 500cc and MotoGP).

source: motocuatro

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