Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ratthapark Wilairot to partner Gino Rea at Gresini?

Spain's El Blog del Mundial de Motociclismo has reported that 'Feem' Ratthapark Wilairot has been dropped by Stop and Go Racing (SAG). 

The blog also reports sources as saying that the 23 year-old Thai rider will be joining Gino Rea in the Gresini Moto2 team for 2012. 

While the story will surprise many after his dreadful 2011, it is believed that Gresini had originally approached Wilairot in 2010, following his strong performances during the first half of the season, but had been unable to prise him away from the Spanish team. 

Wilairot's 2011 team-mate, Santiago Hernandez, has already been replaced by Angel Rodriguez, but there is no news yet about who will be the other rider.


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