Friday, December 16, 2011

Valencia circuit to name corner after 125cc World Champion Nico Terol

The Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo Circuit will name one of its corners as the new 125cc World Champion, Nico Terol, who achieved the title in the last MotoGP Grand Prix held at the Valencia Circuit.
“Besides being a great rider, Nico demonstrates every day the values we try to instill ​​in young people in our school, sacrifice, humility, perseverance, teamwork … all that with his immense talent has taken him to the top,” stated Julio Garcia, CEO of the circuit.

Terol will now have to chose the corner that will bear his name, “We do not know what corner to choose, but the important thing is that it is a great honor to have a corner in the track right where I started my career and where I was proclaimed champion”

The World Champion began his motorcycling career at the Circuit’s School and is the fourth Valencian rider who became a World Champion after Ricardo Tormo, Jorge Martínez Aspar and Champi Herreros.

source: twowheelsblog

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