Friday, January 13, 2012

Andrea Dovizioso, race against time to Sepang

Three weeks Possoni enough. This is the wish of Andrea Dovizioso , on Saturday in the Catholic operated by Dr. Joseph Little Pigs to reduce the fractured right collarbone remedied in a training session with the dirt bikes in Alghero.

One hour of surgery, perfectly successful operation so as to leave very good driver and team (Team Tech 3) on the participation of Forli, the first test of the 2012 season, scheduled from January 31 to February 2, next to the Sepang International Circuit.

Herve Poncharal, as stated in , believes he can count on "Dovi" for Malaysian evidence, critical to developing the Yamaha YZR M1 1000cc after a first contact last November in Valencia.
Dovizioso will have to wait for the moment: will the next 10-15 days to verify the quality of recovery from injury, to occur in a discrete physical fitness testing in Malaysia.


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