Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Andrea Iannone on vacation is getting ready for first test

Ended the 2011 season in third place with three victories, Andrea Iannone is preparing the first test of the new year ... and relax. The driver of the Team Speed ​​Master, waiting to descend on the track next 8 to 10 February in Valencia, the slopes of Courmayeur has chosen to spend the time between snowboarding, skiing and good company, ideal to recharge the batteries on hold global challenge of 2012.

" It's nice to spend some time with friends and take advantage of the winter break to play sports, we're having so much fun with snowboarding and skiing , "admits Andrea Iannone. " But I must admit that I can not wait to race again in motion. I hope that the season 2012 is positive, especially thanks to the experience we gained during these two years in Moto2. I want to wish you a happy new year, full of satisfaction and success. "
For the second consecutive year, Andrea Iannone in Moto2 race with Team Speed ​​Master , this time riding a competitive FTR Moto, with the clear intention of fighting for the final victory of the season.

source: BikeRacing.it

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