Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Doohan: Stoner rode beautifully this year

The end of the year is always the time when summing the league and we are wondering about the next one. To talk more after the fact, and therefore perhaps more lucid, more than the protagonists, are the champions of the past . Among these, Mick Doohan, who embodied the prototype from 1994 to 1998 as a pilot cold and unbeatable. A champion in his own way unique, as unique are all the samples. The Australian MotoGP has followed closely, though not assiduously and this is what I think the season just ended.

"Stoner rode beautifully this year. He adapted quickly to the new bike, Honda has made ​​progress and the couple that was formed was difficult to counter , because Casey did not err and also changed his style of Guide to a level very high. If you continue on this road could open was really Stoner. "

It believes, Doohan, and not just because Valentino Rossi in 2011 was below expectations.

"Smith has had a difficult season and will have to work hard on the bike. He is out of question as a pilot but his problem will be precisely that Ducati Stoner, Lorenzo, Spies, Pedrosa ... At the end of the world, however, will remain as always a couple to gamble and I think it will still Stoner and Lorenzo. Pedrosa can win some races and at the beginning, of course, will have the same opportunities of the two. After Doohan had been there was the Rossi, but Valentino is my successor . simply can not compare different eras. Today, for example, there are many strong riders and many young people growing up. I think I left a good bike and Valentino, even before, Criville, but both have deserved what they got. Rossi went on to win with Yamaha. You always have a little 'luck, but the only luck you win a race or two, not a title. Winning and continue to do so is most difficult, the pressure is so great and should continue to be motivated. In my case I was putting pressure on its own and had no problems with motivation. My worst rivals have been myself. "

Mick Doohan has paid a price important to his career, which still bears the signs, so it was struck by the tragedy of Simoncelli.

"The motorcycle is an exciting sport, but Sepang has shown us his face worse. The death of a pilot is always hard to accept, especially for his family and friends. Simoncelli had what it takes to become a world champion, but unfortunately we will never know if we could. But he had character and personality, and this was already very popular. Motorcycling accept the risk, but still face life involves also the existence of dangerous situations every day. There are also dramatic accident in the newspaper, and as pilots we accept that everything can happen and we live together, continuing to work in safety. And a lot has been achieved in recent years, although the total security will never exist. "

Mick Rossi, Stoner hours. And in the future?

" This year, Stefan Bradl and Marc Marquez had a great championship course. I rooted for both, because Marc runs sponsored by Repsol, which has followed me throughout my career and Stefan is the son of Helmut running in my time. For Germany is a good idea to have a world champion and as far as Marquez is very young, you redo it. The motorcycle is going through problems, that Dorna is closely following, but in the long term I see a positive development. "

source: GP One

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