Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lorenzo on Track in New Delhi

The 2010 MotoGP World Champion gave a thumbs up to the Buddh International Circuit on Wednesday, after becoming the first MotoGP rider to lap the track during a visit to India.

Yamaha Factory Racing rider Jorge Lorenzo is in India participating in Yamaha promotional events, which include a stop at India's Auto Expo 2012 to meet fans and press and a visit to the new track on the outskirts of New Delhi. After a lap of the circuit aboard a Yamaha R15, Lorenzo met with a selected few new R15 owners before holding a short press conference at the track.

The world-class circuit, which hosted India’s first Formula 1 race last year, impressed the 24-year-old Spaniard, who remarked: "The track is very modern and wide. I hope that MotoGP can race here very soon. I think it is quite prepared and ready to be on the calendar. I believe it will be exciting to ride with many overtaking opportunities."

"It’s been great to visit the Buddh circuit today. The Indian people I have met have been very kind and gentle, I would like to see more of India in the future with more time; we didn’t get to see so much in just two days here," said Lorenzo. "I am looking forward to exploring the country and the entire MotoGP paddock wants a race to happen in India soon."

Lorenzo now flies to Indonesia and will be joined by team mate Ben Spies for two days of PR activities in Jakarta on the 14th and 15th January. The trip will be hosted by Yamaha Motor Kenkana Indonesia, a main sponsor of the Yamaha’s Factory Racing MotoGP Team (Semakin di Depan).

source: motogp official

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