Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lorenzo to ride India’s new circuit on Wednesday

Along with several other promotional events this week in India, Jorge Lorenzo will have the opportunity to learn the layout of the new Buddh International Circuit in New Delhi.

Jorge Lorenzo will star in a series of promotional events for Yamaha in India this week, including a visit to the Auto Expo and the new Buddh International Circuit, a brand new track built on the outskirts of New Delhi. The Spaniard will return to the controls of a Yamaha R15 to become the first MotoGP rider to circulate the track.

In a statement to the "Times of India", the 2010 World Champion declared he is "especially interested in visiting a country I’m not familiar with, but one in which the passion for motorcycling has grown enormously in recent years. Recognized as one of the best in the world, this track has already hosted a Formula 1 Grand Prix and is expected to also host a MotoGP race in the near future."

source: motogp official

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