Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yamaha loses an petroleum sponsor and picks up another

After announcing that Yamaha and Petronas had parted ways leaving the factory team without a big name sponsor and consequently having to shoulder almost the entire financial burden of racing by themselves, out of the blue comes the rumor that Petronas will be replaced by Eneos, who markets JX Nippon’s Oil & Energy lubrication products.

Eneos isn’t new to sponsoring motorsports, as they were the main sponsor for the 2011 Super GT Lexus Le Mans Eneos team and former Honda Racing F1 Team, we are curious to see whether Yamaha will be going all orange on the livery of the 2012 M1 as that is Eneos’ corporate colour and if they will be dropping or keeping their own in-house sponsor Yamalube (who also also makes lubricants) and replace them with competitor Eneos’.

source: twowheelsblog

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