Toni Elias and Nico Terol have again improved their records in the second day of testing at Jerez again have used all your minutes of evidence and have continued collecting data.
The morning has been marked by further changes in the geometry of their respective Suter, and as the day has progressed, both have improved their feelings and their times. In fact, the last batch of late has been the most productive for both drivers of Mapfre Aspar. Both Toni and Nico were happy with the pace harvested and to improve their times three and five tenths respectively. They have also had opportunity to ride a narrower front tire, the Alcoy has been happy with the performance, not the Catalan who has seen some rebounds. In any case expect to continue making the most of their working time tomorrow.
Toni Elias: "The time has now been almost four tenths faster than yesterday, we are working hard and little by little we are leaving things right. Every day we are closer, but not going to settle, still looking new solutions, new improvements to be stronger in areas fast. Besides, today I mounted first supposedly new tires we use soon, and certainly not like I have done. But we have time to get used to them and find new solutions to gain more grip. Today we were more competitive than yesterday, tomorrow we will try to be a little more still, to leave with a little unclear Tasting ".
Nico Terol: "We have improved the time from yesterday by half a second, and we have also evolved in terms of pace. We have made progress and I know we still have much room for improvement, but there is more work. That's what training, what matters is every day we step forward and our feelings evolve. I rode many laps low rate of 1.44, I have wanted to keep pushing tomorrow to improve my records. Today we tested a narrower front tire that gives me some confidence. We lacked a bit more grip, but overall performance in the latest round of the day has made me happy conclusion. "
source: Motocuatro