Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hector Barbera Quote After Qatar Race

Hector Barbera Qatar 2011

Héctor Barberá
"It was a difficult race for us. I wasn't riding comfortably right from the start, and I had realised that the bike wasn't working entirely as it had been yesterday. I had noted this in the warmup. I didn't understand what had happened, but all I knew was that there was no rear grip. I had to hold off the gas, because if I went into the corners at speed then I would slide about. It made me angry that all my braking points were changing about, and I wasn't able to ride the same way that I had done all weekend. We are looking at the origin of this problem, and the telemetry shows that the bike wasn't performing like it had done this weekend. We shouldn't get too down about it, because we just had some bad luck that is sure to change for the better in Jerez. I will look on the bright side; we were doing very well over the past few days and are gradually finding the way to go this season."

source: MotoGP Official Website

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