Thursday, February 9, 2012

Elias and Terol test Suter new chassis

The Circuit of Valencia smells from today until next Friday to Worldwide. Practically the entire staff of pilots Moto2 and Moto3 met today at Valencia for the first official test of the year.

Brand new and fresh from the oven they expected, Toni Elias and Nico Terol, the new 2012 chassis manufacturer Suter Federer. The harsh temperatures have forced them to delay its start until well past noon. Today was a day of reunions, to recapture feelings, to adjust the position on the bike to remove the accumulated Tarquin after two months of inactivity, as far as racing bikes are concerned. The feeling was positive despite the cold, both Toni and Nico have agreed that the new chassis has enormous potential and therefore successfully concluded the day. Nico has completed a total of thirty laps, and preferred not to go out on track in the afternoon shift, Toni has instead defied low temperatures to give vent to his tenacity. 1.38.30 has been the best record of Catalan and the Valencian 1.39.65, a good start for the first official test of the year.

Toni Elias 1.38.30 (47 laps): "It is very cold, so I'm taking it easy, because it is easy to make a mistake and go to the ground. go on you get a shock alert, it is still important to work because we are two months without driving. I am very happy because the bike run a lot, and we have also solved a problem with the clutch we had in the last test, then worked hard and fortunately it has been solved. Today we had very clear ideas and thanks to that has worked in the right direction, it is very important for us to lay a good foundation. know how we work, today was the first day of training on 2012 World Cup begins in April and seems to lack a eternity, but we have to take the maximum time to prepare. "

Nico Terol 1.39.65 (30 laps): "Early in the day I felt quite strange, the truth is that I have a few miles in the new category and I have to keep me still getting used to many things. In the latest round of the day and I started to regain some feeling. I've only given thirty laps, with the same tire, I have not had much information, but this journey has helped me desoxidarme after the winter. Today we basically worked on the bike position, we tried to put everything right in place tomorrow and Friday to try many things. The base is good and we have time left, so I'm calm and pleased with how this training has begun. Temperatures have dropped a lot, so we decided not to roll out in the latest round of the day. The new chassis I liked, I notice that has been deleted rather the lack of grip and is more docile when to turn. "

source: motocuatro

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