Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pedrosa: "The chattering continues, comes and goes"

Dani Pedrosa Losail 2012

Dani Pedrosa has fallen today in the third free of Qatar. "I pulled very hard and both the glove and the monkey are over the limit. His hand and thigh very hot and I stopped to see, "he commented.

"The chattering is the same forever. Sometimes there is a little less and in the next batch comes back again. Today I had problems with the electronics out of corners to give gas, but there was no way to fix it. Let's see if we can improve the times tomorrow. It is as if a little messy, sometimes a lot of control and sometimes little control, "said the Honda Pilot.

"There is a track that I like very much. But today I feel better than the previous days, "concluded the Catalan.

source: motocuatro

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