Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cudlin turns Superman in Phillip Island crash

Damian Cudlin, making his second MotoGP stand-in appearance in as many races, suffered this huge highside in Saturday morning practice for his home Australian Grand Prix.

A very sore Cudlin went on to qualify 17th and last for Aspar Ducati and is in doubt for the race.

"I am in a lot of pain," he said. "The crash this morning took me completely by surprise and it was pretty aggressive. It was a real shame to crash so early on and especially to cause so much damage. 

"We had been doing a good job up to that point but afterwards it was difficult to get any useful data. 

"I took a heavy blow to my hip and lost a lot of skin from my left side. They have done a good job in the clinic to get me going again and have advised complete rest to give me the best possible chance tomorrow. 

"I'll try to go out in the warm-up, see how I feel and take it from there."

source: crash

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