Monday, January 9, 2012

Valentino Rossi: Good Luck Hayden and Dovizioso

Really unlucky start to the season for the new rider of Yamaha satellite team Tech 3, Dovizioso , but also for the Ducati rider Nicky Hayden who has fractured his left shoulder blade and two blades while training in an indoor facility flat track.

Rossi knows something of an accident, given that in 2010 he broke the tibia and fibula at Mugello and then had to fight with his battered shoulder for the first part of his adventure with the Red Desmo . For this, through twitter, the nine-time world champion hopes for a speedy recovery to the U.S. team mate and compatriot of the M1 : "After Nicky Dovizioso also got hurt! jinx it! I hope they are both good for Sepang. Good luck " .


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