Monday, January 9, 2012

Andrea Dovizioso Injury Progress

Andrea Dovizioso is incorporated in the preseason unfortunate accident. Probably nothing is more stressful than a fractured shoulder while you workout in view of the start of the season, an enforced rest that may affect the physical and psychological, but thankfully - in the case of Dovi - do not take time away from the track.

Specifically, Andrew suffered a fractured right collarbone , and in a few hours in Bologna will be operated by the team of Dr. Little Pigs - the pilots experienced surgeon - only to be restrained pending the recalcification of the bone. Fortunately for him the fracture is not very complicated, so as to convince his manager Simon Battistella to declare as follows:

"Andrew was training on cross bike Thursday. It was a training session like so many, but unfortunately there was this fall that Dovizioso himself has defined, however minor, although the way he hit the ground has earned him the fracture of the right clavicle. As for the Sepang test, the first comments coming from doctors who have viewed the plates that say there should be no big problems and there is a fast recovery. Today there will be intervention and then we'll know if everything goes according to plan or if there will be problems. The only thing certain is that there will be a slight slowdown in the work program in view of Sepang. "


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