Monday, January 9, 2012

Barbera apologizes after failing a breathalyser test

Hector Barbera pilot Pramac MotoGP team, tested positive last Friday at a police check for alcohol. After knowing the fact, the rumors were fired in all directions, so that the pilot wanted to offer a clarification through his personal twitter address the rumors that suggest that the pilot three times the permitted blood alcohol level and that, therefore, was arrested, information including statements of the pilot ( read here ). 

The following statement literally transcribe Hector: Hector Barbera PRESS In the report in various media about the arrest of Hector Barbera on Friday night January 6, the pilot would make the following clarifications: "On Friday night I celebrated one last family Christmas dinner attended by several friends, with whom they later we left by car for Valencia. I was traveling as a passenger in a Vauxhall Astra with a friend, who was stopped in a breathalyser test and exceeded the limit allowed by law. It was he, not I, who gave the rate of 0.60. In this situation, since I had only had a drink of alcohol, the police suggested I take the car. But once again pulled me to be high to me also the control, which gave 0'32 and 0'28 to 20 minutes. 

I think that was irresponsible on my part, knowing that my condition was not intoxication, the fact perform this action, which I would like to apologize to my team, my sponsors and supporters of MotoGP. In fact, I guarantee that will not happen again putting something like this available to any association of victims of driving the effects of alcohol for a session with them and set an example that should have been offered before. I'm sorry. "


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