Monday, January 9, 2012

Poncharal: Dovizioso ready for Sepang

Hervé Poncharal isn't too worried about Andrea Dovizioso's recent injury suffered in a motocross training incident.  As a matter of fact, the French manager things he could be fit in time for the Sepang test session, scheduled for January 31st. 

"I spoke with Andrea, and he sounds like he is doing well - the team Tech 3 manager said - There are three weeks before the Sepang Test, which is only the first Test of the year. Also, both Colin (Edwards) and Cal (Crutchlow) recovered very quickly from similar injuries last season.  Just thinking about Colin's recovery convinces me that Dovizioso can be ready for the tests.  And in the end, even if he was unlucky, it's better now than right before the season starts."

Andrea Dovizioso will likely be operated on by Dr. Porcellini, the same surgeon who repaired Valentino Rossi's shoulder in the fall of 2010.

source: GP One

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