Saturday, December 17, 2011

AMV teaches us to Dani Pedrosa in 3900 images

Dani Pedrosa has wanted to record a very special thank you message, dedicated to his traveling companion for over 20 years: the bike. Through a time-lapse, visual art consists exclusively of sequences of pictures, the pilot wanted to roll AMV, a town on the Costa Brava, a moving time-lapse which emphasizes the different values ​​that enable daily enjoy what you like in this world and in a different environment to that normally operates.

Dani Pedrosa and the bike are the protagonists of a very personal time-lapse for Castellar del Vallès. In it, the pilot has used AMV to thank his eternal companion of a dream that started 21 years ago, one Christmas when he was given his first bike. And at that moment that begins the time-lapse, visual art consists exclusively of sequences of photos, in this case, 3,900 snapshots, 25-30 per second. Through him, the pilot AMV speaks to his faithful traveling companion, remembering all the values ​​and experiences, day after day, she gives him. AMV values ​​it shares with Spain, and its slogan, "Let my bike."

To perform this time-lapse have been a total of 3,900 photographs and over 100GB of information between issue and snapshots. These were taken by Maurici Mayol, three intense days of early August in a town on the Costa Brava.

source: motocuatro

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