Saturday, December 17, 2011

A book from Gresini: 'Ciao Sic'

The Official 2011 Gresini Racing Book has, understandably, become a tribute to Marco Simoncelli.  It's 128 pages of high quality photography and printing, taking advantage of the latest technology in the publishing industry.

The book is titled “Ciao Sic,” and it was produced by the Gresini Racing Team, and publisher Faenza Group S.p.A.  It will soon be available at, and at bookstores throughout Italy.

A portion of the proceeds from sales will go to the “Fondazione Marco Simoncelli.”  Speaking about the volume, team owner Fausto Gresini said: "Sic, or better yet Super Sic, was an extraordinary person, and this book tries to remember his genuine kindness and the smiles he shared with all of us."

source: GP One

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