Nobody has even come close to forgetting about Marco Simoncelli, and this is part of the reason why a celebration will be held on what would have been his 25th birthday. Organized by his father Paolo, the even will be called "Buon compleanno Sic," and will take place on January 20th, at 105 Stadium di Rimini.
So time marches on, but Marco remains fixed in our thoughts. This was aptly demonstrated by a post from his girlfriend Kate, on his website. It talks about a skiing trip to Madonna di Campiglio she recently took with friend, the full text of which is below.
"As usual me and “those from north” arriving before those from Romagna…as usual we started an aperitif waiting for them. After one hour there we were..all together…we were waiting for you, the usual latecomer, all evening long…but you never arrived. In this anything-but-sad weekend we remembered last winter's evenings, we tried to sing every kind of song, and although we weren’t always talking about you, in those moments you were in our every single thought, gesture, ski run, hug… we laughed and joked with a new 58 shaped scar in our heart…We succeeded in leaving our mark also on Campiglio…perhaps somebody was looking at me while thinking: “oh my God, who‘s Sic’s girlfriend hanging around with???? “ I could have left them astonished if I had answered back : “well, we all used to hang out before!”
"For the first time in my life, this year for Christmas I don’t desire anything, because there is no gift able to give me back the only thing I’d really want. Having all our friends together with me was but the best gift possible (together with the blue jacket obviously)..and you’ve been great also in this way… I have now 4 parents, one brother and one sister and many fantastic friends; all thanks to you. Because you’ve been able to surround yourself with people who adore you…you went away knowing that I would be left in good hands."
Signed: Kate