Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boost 190, an additive to increase performance of the MotoGP 2012

In this hiatus from competition and from appointments with the World Championship there is much talk about the future of the top class for two wheels. The economic crisis and rising costs of the circus have favored the emergence of a new solution: the CRT . In this regard, Colin Edwards had spoken of a technical gap with the motion of the factory in terms of performance and reliability, elements that will, according to Texas Tornado , embarrassing gaps in the lap. But to reduce this gap , a novelty: the Boost 190 . But what is it?

The new and innovative product is a special additive that apparently will be available in 2012 , is able to increase the performance of the bike and to shorten the gap of at least one second with the various Honda, Ducati and Yamaha's official. 

Currently you know another officer but only rumors coming from some mechanism that we approached. We only know that they're testing on different circuits with different structures, and that both race days. 
The only question saw the performance that allows you to reach would be the reactions of the drivers of motorcycle officers who would see this greatly reduce the gap.

Boost 190 , therefore, would be able to better carburetor Crt and all in a single vial of a product and a small red, a bit 'like the old gasoline. 

The Boost 190 must be inserted in addition to gasoline in the tank when the bike reaches a certain temperature, so it seems that the best solution would be to add the boost just before the start when the bike riders have already led to a certain temperature. 

source: derapate.it

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