Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Valentino Rossi, Soldberg launches challenge: "Dovizioso best rally driver"

The Norwegian Petter Solberg , world champion WRC in 2003 launched a provocation, with a joke referring to Andrea Dovizioso on the podium of the Bettega Night Sprint : "This guy is much better than Valentino Rossi in the rally" . The champion of the rally did not think that making a compliment Dovizioso have sparked a debate among fans and detractors of the Doctor .

Dovizioso has participated in the Memorial Bettega, showing completatmente at ease on the Ford Fiesta , forcing Petter Solberg to an effort in the semifinal, before surrendering with the honors of war also Jari-Matti Latvala , the Finn who raced around the WRC with the Ford official.

Rossi , however, the Rally of Monza he finished second, only behind Sebastian Loeb , impressing everyone for its competitiveness in the discipline

source: derapate.it

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