Saturday, December 17, 2011

Carlo Pernat Pramac new sporting director: "Sic would have ridden a Ducati"

"The first idea was to stop, I fell upon the world - he says - continued to honor the memory of Mark, he was up there to suggest it. This offer is the best: I'll be sporting director of Pramac, returning to my origins. To 99 percent will do it, it fascinates me a lot and look only to their official "

Carlo Pernat communicates well, during a radio program, his new commitment in the World Championship . The blow received by the death of Marco Simoncelli was strong, but the passion for this work is always at the root of all important decisions. While you lose one of the best managers in the paddock, other PRAMAC has secured its experience and capabilities.

"I am a close friend of the Pramac racing manager: it is a speech that we carry on for years. It 'got their offer in a very special moment, after the withdrawal of Capirossi and especially the tragic death of Marco Simoncelli, whose future would be right at Ducati: Many pilots have come forward with me, including Lorenzo, but I decided that I will deal with the pilots after the tragedy of Mark "

Charles was also the first to speak of "Marco Simoncelli Foundation", a project that wants to carry on: "I will help the family of Mark always with their foundation, whose works are already starting. For Mark's birthday there will be a charity event. I am very close to the family, who still has not passed the trauma, but the affection of the people, a lot, came from far and near, is something that helps, perhaps, but very touching is a very strong family. Although it is very difficult to get back to normal. "

He concludes: "The 1000 is a cylinder in which the team has a great background: Honda has made ​​some strides, but after a change of cylinder Ducati readjust knows better than others, remember the world of Stoner in 2008. Valentino had problems this year because they do not drive a Ducati engine is simple: we will understand something already on the first impact with the tests in January. "

source: eurosport

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